Thursday, January 17, 2008

My last day in Chartered Semiconductor

Time have flies!

I have been with Chartered Semiconductor for 2 years as a contract IT Support Executive. Actually my official last day is tomorrow but considered it as today as I will be on half day tomorrow.

I will be leaving behind some good friends. I am sad to have to go but sometimes we all have to move on to a better place and I do believe that some day, my friends too will move on to a better place too. So it isn't ADIEU for good coz you never know when in life that we shall meet and work together again!

Today they have arranged a farewell party for me. For the very first time, I feel that I am being LOVED by my colleagues :) and that this is so far the best place I have ever worked in ever before. And I do not mean that the working environment is very good it is the friends I have known through the years working here. I enjoyed myself with all the laughter and jokes they all crack.

I will treasure this time we had for many many years to come. Take Care of yourself my dear friends as we will continue to keep in touch. & Thank you so much for arranging a farewell party.

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