Friday, January 25, 2008

1 week gone by

1 week has gone by! I have left Chartered that long and have already heard long that they found a SUCKER to take over my place. Oooopppsss sorry for the bluntness. I was wondering how long can she also last with all the crazy room bookings.

Anyway, the lady boss haven't been giving me very good impression of the working environment. Today she has flare up again! This has been the second or was it the third time since I have been there. Each time seem to be worst the previous. Not really a good sign. This time she also share with us that one intern has bad mouth about her family to her clients. NAUGHTY BOY! How can you ever do that? Anyway, none of my business.. just hear.

Funny part is.. I look like your maid meh? X( .. you need a pair of glasses if you don't really have one yet X( anyway.. small matter... that only says that I have bad hair days. Need to go do something about my hair. So frizzy and ugly too. That I do really ugly.

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