Tuesday, January 22, 2008

2nd Day @ New Job

Second day at work! The lady boss is back. She brought her laguage with her to the office plus some additional stuff. In addition, she has also brought in her wrath from a customer who gave her HELL.

Someone got a taste of it. Not I like to watch but she wasn't very nice to say that infront of everybody. Can she call that person into her office to tell him off and keep us off the hearing part?

Well, I start to wonder... did GOD sent me the wrong message or did my attenna not receiving it properly or even is it a test that GOD wants me to go through? Haven't I really suffer enough in this life yet GOD? Please spare me of this. Now guess that this is the price to pay for asking for more. But what the HELL, even you don't ask for more people will give you SHIT from HELL to do. So guess it is a risk that all of us have to go through, like it or not. There isn't a P E R F E C T life!

Then came the "COULD You Get Them to lower down their voice" through the phone. Well, I know and I do understand that you are going through some frastration with the customer but don't vent it on me coz I am the one who happen to pick up the phone and it happen just on my 2nd day of work.

Ok...Lunch Time @ 12:30... so I say.. can I join you all as I do not have the key. Annoying part again! No Key can't go anywhere! Again Lunch was boring as they never seem to say something interesting like my dog ate something or hey what happen in the news yesterday did you hear that ... some kind of thing. So ... I break the ice by saying "Is Lunch always this QUIET? or You are all worried that I am some kind of spy?" then they all laugh and say there isn't much to say. Whatever have to say is said in the office. Yeah right! & I am a sucker for believing that.

Well, lets all pray that my life wouldn't be what I am going to expect it to be. Coming back from work, it doesn't stop there as I have to do homework together with my child. Tired though but still have to struggle. Flu have been going on for four days or more and still not recovered yet. Well what can I say. With so many things going on around, not sure I can even survive. I am stuck here for the next 2 months.

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