Wednesday, November 21, 2007

There goes another shoe

And I wear this shoe out today to go for some event... Sssshhh can't tell you .. afraid someone would look at my Blog. Haven't been wearing this for a year because I was pregnant. So I thought I wear it today as I am running out of shoes to wear for events.

Look quite alright, right? Wrong! There is something wrong with this shoe. You can't really see it coz its black... hahhhhahha

YIKES! Notice that white spot? Well, that is a crack and the skin of the shoe has peel off! Ai yo.. I checked it before I leave the house and now I have to get stuck with it looking like that. Hope no one notice my shoe has cracked. Second time in life I have not notice the condition of my shoe before leaving the house.

Next time, don't just look under a light. Go to the broad day 'light' to look clearly first. So embarassing.

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