Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Mother's Job never Done!

I have failed to recall what it was like having a baby around since my girl has grown so big. Now, having a second child reminds me of the nightmare I onced use to have. When I had my girl, I was jobless and was a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM). You think that life was good. However, my girl drive me crazy and I was always busy doing housework and looking after her daily meals. Picking after her and making sure that she is safe. In the end I gave up being a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM) and went out to look for a job for extra income so that I can use my money to pamper myself and kids.

After heading back to work, life was still pretty normal. Found a good babysitter I could rely on. Then we plan to have a second child. Now that the second child is here, I have to cope with being the three roles - as a wife, a mother to two children and a career (if you called being paid to do what I am required to do to be a career).

Trying to balance my life have never been easier. Now a days, from Monday to Friday, I wake up early in the morning say 6:30am. Wake my boy to feed him. After when he is done, I wake my older girl up to brush her teeth and have her breakfast before she goes to school. I have also to make the breakfast for her and boil the water so that it could cool down by end of the day to make milk for both kids.

At 7:20am we move to babysitter house. Before we head to babysitter house, have to give her Then babysitter will bring my girl to school after she is done with her morning milk. At the end of the day, I bring them home. Thinking I could rest after a hard day at work but... you are wrong. I have to take care of my boy until 10:00pm then he will go to sleep and I will put my head down to rest for the day.

When weekends arrive, you think I would be able to rest finally! Wrong again! Wake up early around 6:30am again to feed my son (if I could wake up at that time even). Then put the rice into slow cooker to cook his meals for the day. Make sure the warm water enough for everbody in the house to drink. Give breakfast to my older girl and my son. Afternoon meal arrives with porridge, and then bathing time for him. Afterwhich he goes to take a nap and here I will take the time to coach my girl in her studies.

Then if I want to find some relax time to myself, this is the time to sacrifice my sleep and do things I have hold up some time and have not really got to it. At times want to watch a movie from head to tail also difficult as I need to attend to baby in between so don't really know what the movie is going on. Afternoon, if we don't go out, I will take a nap in the afternoon to catch up with lost sleep.

End of the day, eat dinner and the cycle starts all over again!

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