Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Golden Compass Movie

Received an e-mail this morning from a friend with regards to The Golden Compass movie that will be showed in December 2007. It gives out a warning about bringing your kids to watch that is if you are a Christian or a Catholic.

If you haven't quite seen the trailer, below is the offical website. It is something like a fantasy movie that is if you like movies like this. What's more, Nicole Kidman is starring in this movie. I, personally is a fan of Nicole Kidman but somehow, I only selective about the movies to watch in which Nicole Kidman stars in. I must say that not every show with her is nice to catch.

Anyhow, this is only personal views by others. The way I see it, it may be true and may not be true but it is a matter of taking the movie in an artistic form of way and enjoy the movie that your favorite star is cast in. I, for once can't wait to catch this movie.

Golden Compass Movie

Here is the part of the message ...

A anti-Christian movie called the "Golden Compass" will be coming out in early December, aimed at children and labeled as a family movie. This movie is based on a series of books by an atheist British author (Phillip Pullman) whose goal in writing the books is to be the "Anti-Narnia" series and to lead children into atheism. The main villains in the series of books are the Magisterium, Cardinals, and the Pope, and includes a heroine that is a young girl who sets out to kill God.
To read more about it in detail, vist the link below.


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