Thursday, October 25, 2007

Job Interview Tricks

I have been quite a few Interviews in my time of life in trying to get a job. Many times, potential employers like to ask many questions. No, I am not talking about those questions that ask about your job scope as this is pretty common. It is those questions that really makes you stumble on what is the right answer to it. At times like these, you wonder all these potential employers could they have copied the question somewhere because everybody is using it or do they really know the logic behind using these type of questions. Some of the questions and I beleive that most of you have encountered once or rather more in you life going through interviews, which includes the below: -

  1. What is your strength and weakness [I always fumble on this question]
  2. What do you see yourself in 5 years time [and I was stupid enough to even answer to question now thinking back]

I recently found this forum to be very interesting. It actually shares other people views about the above questions. Perhaps it is good to look through and used this as a module answer when you go for your next interview.

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