Thursday, February 28, 2008

For Poor Mommy

Dear friend,

No need to rush home to cook balance meal for your kids. You can only do so much! The only thing you cooked is that they don't come with msg that is good enough. Try to cook one dish meals. They get their nutrients and you also don't tire yourself out.

Here are some ideas for you.

Fried Rice
Claypot Chicken Rice
Chicken Rice
Bak Kut Teh
Spaghetti put a can of campell mushroom over spaghetti and you are done
Cook soup with slow cooker then put Udong in and you are done

Most of all use timer to set time on slow cooker before you leave the house. Then when you reach home you have hot rice.

I am open if you need recipe (Sorry this applies to Poor Mommy only hor ;)!

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