Sunday, December 14, 2008

Count my Blessings

Although there are many in which I can't say I am Thankful for this year, I do considered as being BLESS.

First thing of all, although I lost friends/ a friend this year but I consider thankful in a way. The friend is no longer stressful to me. I suddenly felt that I have finally detach from the feeling of still longing to my ex-company. I think is becoz I am still grown attached to the old friends. It is blessing that I finally learn to move on. Knowledge gain

Second I have new colleagues to work with and understand them. Not forgetting a boss that is different from all the other bosses I have ever worked with.

Third I manage to spent the quality time with my family in doing the things they like even I though I travel to work far.

Fourth I have grown use to that I do not have to rush rush to work after I drop off my kids. Relax....and take it easy

Fifth despite all the friend lost, I still have a particular friend who always give me support in time of my very need, a shoulder to cry on, and also she does not judge me and help me to evaluate things clearly. Thanks Ms Tan.
So this are my blessings so far

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