Thursday, February 12, 2015

Awesome portal - Toggle SG

I have been hooked on Toggle SG for some time. Am very happy to say that this is an awesome way for Singaporeans to catch up with programs by Media Corp. This is especially good for those who are overseas and want to catch some home town programs that would make them feel at home even though they are far away from home. I also find it very useful to be able to catch up with local news to keep in touch with things that are happening back home which I have missed especially the news that is on Channel 8. 

Previously there was a site called XinMSN that is similar to Toggle SG which allows you to catch up on missed television programs by Media Corp. However, after some time, this portal seems dead without any further updates especially for the Channel 8 news 6:30pm which I love catching. 

So if you are not on Toggle SG, you'd better sign up for it coz it is FREE. You get to catch up with many programs online. For those who are overseas, you too can get onto Toggle SG too. You just need to change some settings by adding your identification number to identify that you are a Singaporean and you are all set to watch the programs. I do hope that this portal would continue to be kept alive and updated at all times so that television craze like me can always catch up with missed programs where ever and when ever.

Read more about Toggle SG accessing from overseas under their FAQ


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