Just that day I thought of going to the reference library to extract some information or rather some pictures of the school I remember by. Sad to say that they have nothing much out of it. Mostly microfiche or microflim. Can't even see them well without printing it out. Printing the 10% of the book is a total waste. Thus I only selected some relevant ones in which I really would like to remember by.
Picture of how Serangoon Garden North School used to be like
Location 1 - That used to be a place where we would play one legged cathching or police catch
Location 2 - That used to be the place where the school staff would park their cars. I remember
telling stories to everybody at that location during an assembly. This I definitely
can't forget.
The School Crest is also something to remember by
Pictures were taken from 25 anniversary souvenir magazine of the Serangoon Garden North School, 1957-1982 [Lee Kong Chian Reference Library]
I studied in this school 1966-69. I used to live in Serangoon Gardens. I remember the tuck-shop and the ground used to be soggy in front of it. ...how the school was once flooded in the rains I don't exactly remember which year... I think it should be in 1968.
There used to be a wind-vane at the top of the building...
Brings back memories.
Thanks a million for posting these pictures :)
I studied in this school in 1970 to 1972 - primary 5 and primary 6. One thing that I enjoyed most was the hamtam bola and ram football against serangoon south school - as we shared a common football field. The two years in the school was my most memorable years in my life. Another interesting things we did was catching fish at jalan hwi yeo - i miss those days. The teachers were very nice and kind - especially ms eu, ms oei and ms lim (cannot remember their full name).
i have always wanted to form a old boys club - if anyone is interested contact me - davidtan@omegacapital.com.sg
I found the photos in facebook. Join SGNS group.
Thanks a ton for posting these photos,especially the emblem which I remember was on our school badge also.I was studying there from 1963 to 1969.I remember the green field where we used to play soft ball during games periods and running to south school tuck shop for better snacks,tho` it wasn`t allowed!!!
I found the pictures in Facebook.Thanks a million for them.They brought back memories of rainy days that flooded the sand pit and some of us would try to catch fish or tadpoles.The flooded canal on the side carrying colorful platic objects,broken dolls.The morning glory vine and flowers on the fence.
I was studying in the school between 1963-1969.
o my goodness...thks so much 4 posting the pics...i was a student there 1970 till 1976 ...just love those days....i played football for d school,sepak takraw and was also d drum major for d brass band...was also a prefect hee hee when it rains,d school field would be flooded and we'd still play football...plus d field will have fishes swimming as the drain (hwi yoh side) will flooded and spill over to our field.My form teacher was Mr Chua and d principal was K Selvaratnam (female indian lady...fierce as hell..hee hee)...i used to live in gardens as well..at 49 portchester avenue,singapore 19 back than..if anyone knows me from our school years time pls contact me if u may..my name is latiff 97806765 or email at Latiff.Shah@halliburton.com
I studied in this school from 1979 - 84. During those days, we used to play police and thief and hamtam bola. We used a tennis ball as the hamtam bola...come to think of it, really bring back a lot of memories..K Selvaratnam was the principal back then. I was in 1E, 2A, 3B, 4B, 5A, 6B.
Thanks a lot. it really bring back the memories of my primary school days. I studied my pri 1A class in 1975 to pri 6A in 1980.
Principal was Mrs K.Selvaratnam and V.Principal was Mr.Chia then.
Hope my classmates can get in touch here. Im A.C.Chua. Email
See u guys.
Found this post. Thanks for the memories.
We are still searching for all MIA ex-classmate of 1979 (6B), do look for us in FB group (Serangoon Garden North)
Hi A C Chua, maybe we know each other. I'm Ng Say Shau, our school n birth year are the same. Looking for class n schoolmate too. Contact me @ 97971617.
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