I have reached the age for doing a Mammogram Screening. Thus, scheduled a month ahead in November to visit the Polyclinic in January for a screening.
First time screening and don't know what to expect. Nothing was mentioned over the internet by others who have done this procedure about the screening as to how it was like.
Well, Mammogram Screening at the Polyclinic was different. I had to go to the X-ray department and wait for my name to be called. They don't have a number issued to you and wait for the number to appear on the screen. The cost of having a Mammogram Screening is $107.00. Thank God I am a Singaporean and the government have subsidy for this screening of $57.00. Thus, I only have to pay $50.00 for this screening.
The process is like an X-ray. You have to remove metal things away from the part that you need to be X-rayed on. However, this is a slight different in a way that the machine is able to rotate itself to the angle they want to be X=rayed. So, expect to have each breast x-rayed twice at different angles. It is indeed a painful process I must say. The reason being you have to push forward for the breast to rest on the machine. Imagine that the machine camera on top have a cover to protect the camera screen, your face have to be pressed on that screen for the x=ray to be done correctly. This is also not one of the problem. After the nurse place your breast in the correct position, the machine will start to clamp down and I do mean clamp down to press hard on the breast to get the x-ray. Imagine the pressure coming from a machine! DAMN! OUCH!!! Then another one shot on the same breast going through the same process. After all these pressing, I am in pain! Not forgetting each shot I have to hold my breath. This is causing me dizzy!
& this have to done yet again the following year until 49 years old. After which would be once every 2 years from 50 onwards. Phobia already! The results will be out in a months time.
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