Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BabySitting Service hard to come by?

I used to use this Babysitting Service agent but today came to realize that her business no long exist from ACRA. I have been recommending her business for so long but never call her myself coz I don't need it but others do.

None the less, there are also other agents that have set up similar service like hers. No wonder her business can't carry on. Perhaps this is not the reason, who knows? Its Singapore! Business are hard to do coz there is too much competition around!

Well, to the point! Found two babysitting service agent

Innovon Service

BabyBreeze Pte Ltd

Bbnanny Service

Friday, August 27, 2010

Suddenly.. I realize the below words came from my e-mail and meant to comfort me. First verse, "Sorrow or pain.." - God already know that the sorrow of pain I am going through by betrayl & have send this words to me

Second verse, "manipulate truth for selfish gain" - this JERK who betrayed me did just that!

Feast: St Monica: Friday 27th August, 2010 (Lk 7:11b-17)

Dear Friend in the Lord,
Jesus’ Compassion: Jesus’ compassion led Him to raise the son of the widow of Nain to life . Do not limit the Lord’s compassion for us. So, if you have any sorrow or pain, pour out your heart to Him in prayer. His compassion will surely transform you and hope and peace will return to your heart .

F r Philip Heng,S.J.

St Augustine, Bishop, Doctor: Saturday 28th August, 2010 (Mt 23:23-26 )

Dear Friend in the Lord,
Hypocrisy – Daily Living: In today’s Gospel, Jesus condemned the Hypocrites. There are different degrees of hypocrisy – the mild ones are those of us with impure motives. It becomes grave when we deliberately manipulate God’s Name, His Truth and Love for our selfish gain and glory.

Fr Philip Heng,S.J.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The truth will set you free - AMEN!

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

The Christian is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, always. Once again, it is an issue of integrity. Let's begin by defining the word itself. What is a false witness? A false witness is anyone who bears witness either through conversation or testimony a word about another that is less than or different than the total known truth. You can be a false witness in a court of law, in a personal dispute, or in idle conversation. You are a false witness if you repeat one idle word of gossip that is either untrue or unnecessary to the conversation.

You are a false witness if you, by word or deed, undermine the character or integrity of another to another other than the one in question. You are a false witness anytime your words or facial expressions indicate an unhealthy attitude towards another while you are pretending to be to that person anything different. Anything you say or do that consciously or unconsciously could be used against another makes you a witness against them. If it is unnecessary or at all less than true, you are a false witness. It is an issue of integrity. The Bible has a lot to say about bearing false witness. Let's take a look at some of those principles:

Principle 1- God hates it. God hates it when we bear false witness or bend the truth in any way affecting another. Proverbs 6:16 tells us that there are six things that are an abomination to the Lord and seven things that God hates. In verse 19 the list includes "a false witness that speaks lies".

Principle 2- A false witness is deserving of whatever penalty the wronged defendant would suffer. Deuteronomy 19:16 says this -

16 If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong,

17 Then both the men between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the Lord, before the priests and the judges.

18 The judges shall make an inquisition and behold, if the witness be a false witness and hath testified

falsely against his brother,

19 Then he shall do unto him as he had thought

to have done unto his brother. So shalt thou

put evil away from thy midst.

Read more HERE

We will all give an account (Revelation 20:13 ...judged according to wha...

Healing in Process

Everytime I talk about what happen I cry! Anyway, I breakdown again! I will pray for your soul that God will have mercy on you when you die!

- I am healing. I have been hurt bad if you have been reading my blog. I have given back the money asking to the JERK for buying alcohol chocolates from Germany. He didn't take but I don't care. I still shove it back in his face! I don't owe you anything. Don't try to be holy coz you rott in my books already.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So I was sadden and hurt by this thing. BETRAYL! That is why I lost my believe in "friends" they are never true. Helping people and don't expect anything from them except that they treat me the same but it always never happen

& I confess that I have commented something and am wrong. I told father I not sure if I being a Catholic is a correct path. I seen things ... things I don't understand. Things I feel hurt about but not within control. I ask our GOD or LORD.. why have you shown me this? I said already I wish to be blind to see the ugly side of human. I am not saying that I am perfect! I have flaws too but I do try to practice what I could. Still, trying today to perfect it.

I try to

1. Bring laughter to everyone
2. To help people when they are down this also have been taken for granted. In turn, I been treated more like a maid. Sad but true!
3. To try to be their mirror but guess this have several time been mistaken with evil intentions

& still I refuse to believe that the world has die of good people who really practice what they believe in. Am I wrong to say this? I really do not know! GOD perhaps you need to help me out! Father have said that I need to distance them. May be he is right coz they giving me all the bad vibes.


I am saddened by my comments to someone I trust have been travelled into my boss ear! I know my boss not angry but I think it is my fault for trusting this person. Now, I really feel that so STUPID! I think that I should let a religion "C***"go coz it has been quite disappointing to work with people like that. Sorry no offence! I have seen many of the same religion and my mum also the same! It makes me wonder that if I should continue to being in this religion after distance for so long! SHUT UP OK!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Next Week,TBM

Next week will be a tough week ahead. Team Building Meeting! I hate this! That means lots of SHIT ahead! Curse the person who recommended this

Lucky not so bad! I enjoyed the part personality test! Was a bit upset that I was being pushed into another group last minute. What I look like? A Ball? Well, I guess... my feelings are nothing... Sigh... what to do? Get over with it lor! Instructor treat me differently this year! Wow ... interesting how real these people are! hahha

Friday, August 6, 2010

Medal-Math Telematch

Today my girl is half day at school coz its National Day soon. School in Singapore celebrates National Day always like this. So when I came home from work and pick up my girl, she told me that she got a Medal for the Math telematch. I said really! Wow that is GREAT! She showed me with pride! I was PROUD of her for the very first time and I said GOOD JOB!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New meaning to indispensable

Today I suddenly realize the word indispensable.

That day someone was telling me " no one is indispensable in a company" and today it was announced that they have hired someone who actually have resigned and left the company. Sigh... funny right? I suddenly new that even you leave you can still come back again!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Stupid or NOT?

Well, someone mentioned that he could get his friend to do this design for the shirt but delayed in making it happen. So in the end, like I expected I have to clean up the shit! I hate this but what to do? People always like to do this one! Then I have done this design, and showed him and he requested to add his idea to. So am I stupid? So what could I do...? I gave him and end up being perished like expected but never mind! Its ok... Sad no doubt about that! I found the images, I do the image clean up work and then it turn out like that! Fair? Well, there is never fairness in life now there is? Guess... it is all about life goes on like this song says it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beauty World @ Bukit Timah

15 years ago I used to go to this place called Beauty World at Bukit Timah quite often as I work near there. Today, I still go there but not as often as before. There resides this three store that consist of a good Chinese Mutton Soup, Fried Oyster, Rojak, Roti Prata and Teh Tarik. They are all in one stretch which is my favorite. They have been there since then and perhaps even longer!

Beauty World, used to be a place where there are many things you can buy. Things are cheap there. However, today, it seem to be like a forgotten shopping mall that no one wants to be caught dead in! Hardly any people goes there, no crowd, and just some wide space for kids like mine to run about. I don't know how all these people can survive! I think most of them are either closed down or move out as the traffic there is always nuisance to get to the shopping in this area so business isn't as good as it used to be or like to be. Besides, the carpark is also old and was caught people being break into their car. Thus, people generally left thinking of coming here to shop. Still, not forgetting there are more shopping malls these days near home. Besides, weather these days are typically weird and exeptionally hot. People then would rather choose to stay at home or shop near by.

Beauty World, no longer what it used to be. It now stands there with only memories for those who can remember it! Alternative, a place for those who maid agency and other employment agencies. Sad but true!